Answered by Experts Series
A series of interviews with experts around the world within the social media landscape.
Answered by Experts was an idea from years back that stemmed from my experience attending conferences or workshops. I end up attending them feeling a bit short-changed. My needs at the time were not met because I had some questions that were unanswered.
I know that it’s quite challenging to get the perfect content for training but realised that it was really about getting the participant’s questions answered. This isn’t new in the online world, as we know the likes of Quora or Mosaic Hub.
Because I deal with small business owners, I still get a lot of the same questions during my consultation sessions. I decided to reactivate ABE through this medium.
How does it work?
The goal of the series is to get experts to answer the questions that matter to you the most.
Once I have confirmation from an expert to participate in the series: