Am I starting another blog carnival to allow other people to submit? Nope. Part of my daily routine is to read email, check my Google Alerts, scan through interesting articles, log in to my plurk universe, tweet and retweet, update my Google wavelets, browse through my friend’s status messages in Facebook, and carry on with work.
With so much activity within my online world, I experience information overload on a daily basis. The only way for me not to go crazy and release the ideas from my head is to write and/or share.
So, here it is. My personal blog carnival.
The only way I know how (until I find some other type of release) is to jot down my thoughts on each topic, idea, news tidbit and share it to the world. Some might find a place on a post of its own but most would be listed in my carnival as blurbs. Hey, I might even find time to write about it a little bit more and group it into the right categories.
To kick off the carnival, here are some of the things I’ve discovered and wrote thus far:
At this time, I’m still thinking whether I should upgrade my blogs with the new version though the image editing feature is tempting. The last time I tried to upgrade, the visual editor wasn’t showing up. I’m not ready (nor will I ever be) to write code like html or even javascript!
The Yahoo! campaign is a nice product to spread kindness in the world. Similar to the “Pay it Forward” concept. I haven’t submitted anything. Does that mean I haven’t found the time to do kindness? Nope. I just don’t think I need to tell the whole world every little good deed I do for mankind. I don’t need that type of affirmation.