I’m kicking off the Answered by Experts series with Dani Revell to answer your burning blogging questions in New Zealand.
Hailing from Australia, Danika Revell first fell in to the blogging world while standing in line for a Hanson concert when she lived in London. After her first year in New Zealand, she felt that the blogging community needed somewhere to gather online, to share thoughts and ask questions, and most importantly to find each other. So she started the
NZ Blog Collective , an online community for bloggers, by bloggers.
Since then, she’s founded We Are Anthology – a blogging and influencer agency that brings together bloggers and brands, and has assisted numerous blogging ventures in New Zealand. She’s proud to work alongside the NZ Bloggers Network to help support bloggers in New Zealand – “The more support and opportunities for bloggers in New Zealand” the better she says!
Here are some of the questions we tackled in this episode: