The first time I heard about Blog Carnivals was about 2 years ago when I was still writing for Know More Media. A colleague within the network, Maria Palma , started one and has successfully maintained it since. This inspired me to follow her lead, even if it feels like it’s been way overdue.
My first blog carnival starts within my call center blogosphere. The Call Center Blurbs Blog Carnival will showcase blog articles written by call center professionals. I was thinking if I should focus on one location but like any magazine, an issue can have a theme or focus. I could have a Philippine Call Centers edition or probably a Humor / Comics edition. The possibilities are endless.
As of this writing, I’m seriously considering another blog carnival focused on my other blogs. The only hesitation comes from the fact that I don’t know if I have the time to maintain several carnivals. Oh, and well it depends on how receptive my readers are on submitting their articles.
Join me in this experiment! Create your own blog carnival or if you have one, do share.